On March 30th 2016, the Dalhousie Global Health Office collaborated with the Canadian Red Cross and the Government of Canada to present “Healthcare in Chaos: Best Practices in Global Humanitarian Health Work.” This event consisted of a global health fair, where organizations from the Halifax area shared discussed their global health experiences, a global health themed photo booth, and a panel discussion. The panel was moderated by Pauline Dakin of CBC NS, and featured Dr. Jason Nickerson, Dr. Lynda Redwood-Campbell and Dr. Matthew Hunt.
If you were unable to attend, and are wondering what you missed, have no fear! See our social media round-up below, which includes photographs from the event by David Grandy, and select tweets. More photos can be found on the Global Health Office Facebook page, and event tweets can be found by searching #FacesofHumanity.

The Healthcare in Chaos panel ready to begin discussion; from left to right: Pauline Dakin (moderator), Dr. Jason Nickerson, Dr. Lynda Redwood-Campbell, Dr. Matthew Hunt.

Full house at the Healthcare in Chaos event, held in the Paul O’Regan Hall at the Halifax Central Library.