By: The Office of Community Partnerships and Global Health
As 2023 comes to a close we enjoy reflecting on all the ways our community engaged with us and each other. Our annual photo contest is a great reminder of how we do that. This year we are thrilled to present the winning images and their accompanying stories. Thank you to our judges who bring their enthusiasm and comments year after year and thank you to everyone who participated and continues to participate.
2nd place
Strawberry U-Pick by Dr. Angela Tsai
Artist’s comments:
Why should we eat local?
- It supports the local economy
- It prevents small farmers from being exploited by large conglomerates
- It ensures ethical farming and promotes sustainable agriculture
- it’s organic
- it’s fresh
- and the list goes on and on.
Eating local is a form of community partnership between the producer and the consumer. This initiative reduces carbon footprints, encourages high-standard agricultural practices, and puts healthier foods on our table. What more could you ask for?
1st place
Watering Hole by Dr. Daniel van Zanten
Artist’s comments:
Animals learn to co-exist in the wilderness. This photo shows different groups of animals using a watering hole where they can hydrate, bathe, and relax. Similar to healthcare, resources such as water are not unlimited and should be shared so that others can benefit. In the wild, the currency is not monetary but is instead measured in terms of resources that help animals to live and survive.
To learn more about our Photo Contest or to submit your images for 2024 please visit our website.