The Global Health Office, Dalhousie University
We can all agree that this year has been like no other. Hopefully, a positive outcome for many has been the opportunity to evaluate and prioritize what is truly important to us on an individual level but also as a society. Recent global events have certainly highlighted the need to address global health issues. Many people hear global health and think of global as a geographic boundary such as international health or better yet developing health. While that can be true it detracts from the need for focus on health systems and supports right here at home. We offer an alternative view of the term Global Health, which is global in terms of all the factors that impact our health. By considering nutrition, income, housing, employment, addiction, education, environment, and access to healthcare we create a more holistic view of health.
If we consider health at the centre and all factors surrounding it, like a bubble, many people experience breaks in their bubble, allowing external forces to negatively impact their health. Our office works to reveal those cracks in the hopes of creating awareness around their importance and the impact to health of individuals and our society. It is difficult to ensure the long-term health of a population when we miss factors repeatedly contributing to the lack of health.
The Global Health Photo Contest has always encouraged and celebrated participants to take this holistic view of health and the images that are submitted do not disappoint. We are so excited that 2020 celebrates 10 years of this initiative. We are so proud of our colleagues and partners who incorporate global health into their professional practice and grateful that they share their beautiful images with us each year.
The winners of the 2020 Global Health Photo Contest are:
1st place: Bikes in the City by Danielle Shin
2nd place: Tea Fields by Victoria Landry
I would encourage you to visit our Photo Contest page to see previous submissions and winners and most definitely encourage you to submit to the 2021 contest! Global Health is all around us.
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