Written by Madeline Kubiseski, Master of Health Administration Student
With a new school year now well underway, the Global Health Office has been busy with its various programs and events. Many new faces have joined our team over the past few months, and it is time to introduce the office staff and the programs they manage.
International Education
Said Msabaha is the program manager of the international education experiences offered through the Global Health Office. These include course electives, internships, clinical placements, and research placements for students in the faculties of Medicine, Health and Dentistry at Dalhousie. The Global Health Office has a comprehensive list of strong partner institutions, which seeks to offer students with a unique opportunity to experience first-hand how the social determinants of health play a key role in patient health particularly in under-served or resource-constrained populations. Said is also acting director of the office until January 2019, while Shawna O’Hearn pursues her PhD in Ontario.
Hala Nader is the program assistant for International Education. Hala is in her first year of the Master of Public Administration program at Dalhousie.
To learn more about opportunities for students please visit the global health education section of our website. To learn more about Dalhousie’s partner institutions please visit the locations page on our website.
Students in the faculties of Health, Dentistry and Medicine are invited to an info session to learn more about global health education opportunities on Nov 7th. The info session will discuss practicum placements, institutes, internships and clinical elective opportunities. The session will be held in Tupper 2L7 (DMNB: Room 218) from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Students are encouraged to RSVP to gho@dal.ca by November 1st.
International Recruitment
Michele Pignol is the program coordinator of international recruitment. She coordinates initiatives to recruit and retain international students to Dalhousie’s Medical School. The Global Health Office maintains collaborative agreements to build strong educational capacity for International students and contribute to improving healthcare needs worldwide. Students have the opportunity to learn in a safe, positive environment with one on one support from the team while graduating from an accredited Canadian Medical program.
Jen LeBlanc is the Program Coordinator of Outreach at the Global Health Office. Jen manages the communication and social media networks of the office. She also coordinates the global health awards, the annual photo contest, the bi-weekly bulletin and blog, speakers, Global Health Day, and other collaborative events.
Madeline Kubiseski is the Outreach program assistant and is a student in the Master of Health Administration program.
To learn more about our outreach please visit the News & Events page on our website.