Our Canada World Youth (CWY) interns, Oksana and Priscilla, have been great additions to the Global Health Office team! We are sad to see them go at the end of their 3 month internship here, but were happy to hear that they were ready to meet the next part of their journey with a global health mindset.
I think it’s important to help decrease health inequities around the world, regardless of race, culture, gender or social class
Unfortunately the my 3-month stay in Halifax has come to an end! And it is now time for my work partner, Priscilla, and I to leave the Global Health Office.
Not too long ago, Priscilla and I came to the Global Health Office with Canada World Youth. Since then, I’ve learnt so much about Halifax’s history.
Working with the Global Health Office gave me great insight into health at a global perspective as well as domestic health within marginalized groups. Our wonderful supervisor, Michelle, set up the opportunity for us to sit in on classes about multicultural health promotion. With that class we went on a trip to Indian Brook and listened to a speaker talk about her experiences living on a First Nations reserve and the history of her ancestry.
Leading up to AIDS week we learned a lot about AIDS and interesting facts that I had no idea about before. It was really shocking to learn that every 9.5 minutes in the U.S. someone is diagnosed with AIDS.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the East Coast. Being from the West Coast, it was a fun opportunity to experience the other side of Canada. I was able to go to Peggy’s Cove and explore all over Halifax.
We, at the Global Health Office, also want to extend a thank you for the Halifax and Dalhousie community. The experiences Priscilla and Oksana shared throughout the last three months was made possible by an open and friendly community that was ready to show our interns what Halifax has to offer.
Thank you! or Medaase!