By: Hannah Asprey, Program manager, Indigenous Health in Medicine
Celebrating Orange Shirt Day: Sept 30
On September 30th we celebrate Orange Shirt Day in remembrance of the Indian Residential School system and the impact of this government policy. This date was chosen as it coincides with the time Indigenous children were taken from their homes and brought to residential schools.
Orange Shirt Day began in Williams Lake, BC in 2013 at the St. Joseph Mission residential school commemoration event. At this event, survivor Phyllis Webstad told her story of her new orange t-shirt being taken away from her on her first day of school.
Every year this day is used for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to come together in the spirit of hope and reconciliation to honour former residential school students, their families and communities.
For more information on the residential schools and their impact:
How you can get involved at DAL:
September 30, 2:00pm-3:30pm Virtual Panel via zoom
Topic: Orange Shirt Day (OSD) Indigenous Panel Event
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 848 2764 6291
Passcode: 953112
Panelists to speak on the following topics:
- Opening by a community Elder
- Phyllis’ story – Significance of Orange Shirt Day
- Timeline of Indian Residential Schools
- Statistics of Indigenous Women & Children
- Squashing systemic racism: How to be an ally and what you should be doing as a professional
- Closing remarks
Those working from home and joining in virtually are also encouraged to wear orange (a shirt, a pin, scarf, jacket, anything!) in honour of the day.
Treaty Day: Oct 1
October 1st is Treaty Day and we are giving thanks to the Mi’kmaw and the Crown for signing treaties of peace and friendship.
You can read the 1752 Treaty here
Mi’kmaq History Month
October 1st also marks the beginning of Mi’kmaq History Month. The purpose of Mi’kmaq History month is to help promote public awareness and educate the public about Mi’kmaw culture and the Mi’kmaw heritage.
Everyone is invited to participate in, attend or organize your own cultural events during Mi’kmaq History Month.
Learn more about Mi’kmaw culture and heritage.
Discover the history of Treaty Day and Mi’kmaq History Month.
Welalin (Thank you)
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