Dalhousie medical student Allison Hudson has embarked on a global health elective in Tanzania. We are so thrilled that not only has she decided to blog about it but she has provided us with the link to her experience. We hope you take a moment to read her posts and we leave you with a few of Allison’s opening remarks.
I only have one year of medical school under my belt, and I have a lot to learn, but the course of this year has only reaffirmed my passion for global health (at home and abroad). In an effort to fully engage with this experience in Tanzania, and send some updates home to prove that I am still alive, I plan to maintain this photo blog. My goal is to add one photo for each day (but don’t expect updates every day). The lens through which this blog is created is focused on the determinants of health and the challenges of providing care to marginalized people in Tanzania. That being said, I can’t expect to be profound every day (hopefully some days…), so anticipate some photos of hippos.
Well with that said, I guess I should get started…
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