This past Tuesday the Tupper Link was lined with posters and busy with faculty, residents and students; September 23rd marked this year’s Global Health Day. The event, hosted by the Global Health Office, provided an opportunity for students, residents, faculty and the community to share their experiences in global health research and education, and engage with others who share their passion. Thank you to all those who attended and made this year’s event a success!
You could see and hear the enthusiasm in the room, with the excited chatter, eager gesturing, and cheerful smiles. Many of Dalhousie’s global health community and partners attended. Students from Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry and Health Administration made their way around and in between the posters. Also in attendance was Dean of Medicine Dr. Tom Marrie and a special guest from Tanzania, Thecla Kohi.
The presented posters demonstrated the broad range of global health initiatives undertaken at Dalhousie. A group of Dalhousie students representing the Dalhousie Student-led Clinic Steering Committee presented their poster on Building a student-led, interprofessional community health initiative in Halifax, in which they highlighted their work on developing a student run clinic in our community. Research in Medicine students shared their work as well. For example, Emma Sumner’s poster was based on her work in the Evaluation of outcomes of a specialized seating program for children in a low resources setting.
When it comes to the international facet of global health, international surgery and international anesthesia also presented. And of course, Dalhousie’s Global Health Office offered posters detailing a variety of student programs, including the Local Global Health Elective and Summer Programs with partners in The Ghambia and Tanzania, to name name a few. In addition, there was a poster for the Global Health Advocates Certificate, with a reminder that the application deadline is October 3rd. 2014!
A steady stream of visitors wove in and out of posters, lingered to network, and participated in the Global Health Day draw. This year’s winners were Chad Klassen and Megha Vatsya, each taking home a global health book (When People Come First: Critical Studies in Global Health). Participants and visitors were so engrossed in coversation, individuals stayed until the last poster board was taken down at the end of the session.
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