I started the Clerkship Program in 2011, but it seems like it was just yesterday. I keep reflecting on the day I decided to apply for the program. I woke up one morning and stated “I am applying for the clerkship program!” Everyone around me knew how much I loved the health administration field and the IMG advocacy role. Why was I going back to square one? I always assumed that chapter of my life was closed… I assumed wrong. There was always something missing; a vital aspect I was completely ignoring; medicine.
I joined the Dalhousie Medical students entering the third year of their program. In a matter of days I had moved from one extreme to the other; from the IMG reality filled with hardship to being a Canadian medical student with complete access to all resources required to support my development. It made me feel special; it was like having access to my very own genie in a wishing lamp.
These past two years brought back memories of early life in university with long hours and tedious work. Throughout my time in the program, I built a solid network amongst fellow classmates, residents and staff. I identified areas of weakness and worked hard to improve them. The two years were full of excitement and anticipation for the future. I have looked forward to the graduation day where I can practice as a Canadian physician with no IMG restrictions.
Today, I stand alongside my fellow classmates at the Rebecca Cohn auditorium waiting my turn to receive a degree I worked hard to earn. I applaud the time and effort put forward in creating this program and every effort taken to help immigrant physicians in their homeland – Canada. To say I have no regrets about taking this path would be an understatement, I am where I want to be as a result of this special opportunity.
For more information about this program please visit our IMG Clerkship Program webpage.
Congrats Suha! This is Kentville’s gain 🙂
Dr. John LeBlanc
Faculty Advisor, Global Health Office
Congratulations Mariam.. You’re making a lot of people proud. How did I even get here