Although we carry thousands of medical titles here in our Dalhousie location, we simply don’t have the physical space to keep the hundreds of thousands of titles that are available at any given time. Fortunately, through an agreement with Login Brothers, the largest distributor of medical books in Canada, we are able to offer access to more than half a million active titles, which can be shipped directly to your door.
By following this link, you’ll be taken to the Virtual Bookstore home page where you can search for specific books by author, title, or ISBN. If you’re browsing without a particular title in mind, you can explore the site via Keyword searches, or the Subject Index on the left side of the page. Once you’ve zeroed in on a book of interest, the Virtual Bookstore will display price, availability, and usually a paragraph or two of description. Clicking on the Buy button will begin the process of having the book shipped directly to your door from one of Login Brothers’ warehouses in Ontario and Manitoba. (You can also place pre-orders for books that are due for publication, and know that they’ll be shipped to you as soon as they’re released.)
And keep in mind, if you’d rather have a look at a book before committing to buy, we can bring a copy in to our store for your inspection. Just call us at 902-494-6701.