It’s not often we get a book designed to teach the teachers, but Teaching Auscultation is just that – a collection of essays stressing the importance of, and providing guidance in, the teaching of this “Ancient but Critical Skill.”
Edited by Dr. John Finley, Teaching Auscultation explores territory ranging from how the brain processes music and how pathologists help the hearing impaired, to instruction on how to effectively record heart sounds and the role the internet can play in teaching cardiac auscultation. (It may be an ancient skill, but that doesn’t mean one can’t use the latest tools in its instruction.) Recommended curricula and teaching materials are also provided. (More details can be found here and here.)
Teaching Auscultation To Health Professionals is available for 30 dollars in the Bookstore or online via this link, or call us at 902-494-3020 and we can also let you know your specific shipping charges and options. International buyers seeking specific cost and delivery-time options for their location can email Shauna Nickerson at with their address.