Quick Steps:
- Log in to myCareer > Management Career Services > Job Posting
- Select blue View button next to posting > open in new or current tab
- Click on Applications tab > Select candidates to interview
- Click on blue Circle icon in bottom right corner > Interview Options > Create an Interview Schedule
- Select Job > Set Interview Type, Location & Method > Next
- Follow rest of wizard to add interview schedule details > click Finish to submit
For more detail on the steps above, review the full step-by-step directions below.
Follow these easy steps to set-up an interview schedule and select applicants to be interviewed.
- Log in to myCareer: http://mycareer.dal.ca/login/employer.htm
- Click on Management Career Services in the menu bar.
- Click on either the Job Postings or Applications icons or menu option. You will see a list of job postings which you can sort by any category shown in the top row.
- To setup your interview schedule for a specific job posting, click on the View button beside it, and select to open the page in either the Current Tab of your browser window, or a New Tab. Then click on the Applications tab.
- To the left of each student’s name whom you wish to interview, click on the drop-down list and choose “Selected for Interview” or “Not Selected for Interview”. To verify that the student(s) are still available for hire, click on the green filter button above the candidate list.
- Once you have selected your candidates, click on the blue circle icon in the bottom right corner, select Interview Options, and then Create an Interview Schedule.
- Make your selections on the Select Job screen and then click Next:
- Job Postings: employers now have the option to coordinate interviews for multiple job postings within one schedule. Use the drop-down list to select one or more additional postings to include in the schedule.
- Interview Type: select the type that best suits your needs according to the descriptions provided for each.
- Location & Method: select your preferred interview Location and Method using the drop-down list options.
- Video Conference interviews are available. (Students are available for video conference interviews. Dal recommends using MS Teams or a similar video platform for this purpose, although we currently discourage the use of Zoom due to privacy concerns with their AI data collection policy).
- Tele-conference or telephone interviews are available. (Students may choose to telephone from their personal line; however, land-line telephones are available to students in the Management Career Services office.)
- Call Interviewee is available if you wish to call the interviewee directly. (This option will require the student to provide a telephone number where they can be reached.)
- Verify that the candidates listed on the Applicants screen are correct and click Next
- On the Date & Times screen, set the exact dates and start / end times for the interviews and click Next. You must allocate enough total interview time for the number of applicants you choose to interview. To avoid any time zone confusion for the interviewees, please set the time according to Atlantic Time.
- Add Interviewer/Day: add extra interview days to your schedule as needed using the Add Interviewer/Day button.
- Breaks: you can opt to build one or more breaks into your interview schedule, setting the exact start time and length for each.
- Select the length of each interview, and any buffer time between interviews, on the Adjust Schedule page, and specify the interviewer for each date on the Adjust Schedule page and then click Next.
- On the Additional Instructions page, provide any further directions for either our team to aid in coordinating the interview, or details that you wish to be communicated to the interviewees when they are scheduled for their interview – for example, don’t forget to add your video conferencing or phone interview details – then click Next.
- Carefully review all of the interview information outlined on the Summary page to ensure that it is accurate. If you notice anything that needs to be changed, use the Previous buttons to go to previous screens and make your adjustments. Do not use the back button in your browser. Once you have verified that the information provided is accurate and complete, click the Finish button to submit your interview request for processing.
NOTE: Three working days’ notice is required when setting the interview date to allow an appropriate amount of time for students to be informed of their selection and for them to prepare for the interview.
For other myCareer tutorials, consult our Employer User Guide.