Quick Steps:
- Visit myCareer registration page > Fill out form with all details > Submit form > Receive email within two business days indicating your account status.
For more detail on the steps above, review the full step-by-step directions below.
If you are a new employer, you can set up an account to access myCareer.
- Visit the myCareer employer registration page:https://mycareer.dal.ca/register/employer.htm
- Fill in your details on the form provided. Input is required for any fields marked with an *.
- At the bottom of the form, you will be asked to select your primary recruitment target. Please note: this selection only determines which unit will review your registration request and create your account; you are welcome to recruit from any unit that administers the myCareer system for Dalhousie.
- You will receive an email that your account request has been submitted for review. Please note that it can take up to two business days for the review process to be completed.
- Once we have processed your request for account set-up, you will receive an email notification confirming your account status.
Now you can access myCareer.
For other myCareer tutorials, consult our Employer User Guide.