We always appreciate feedback on this or any other aspect of the Document Delivery Service and invite you to contact us at (902) 494-3612 or by email at docdel@dal.ca.
We always appreciate feedback on this or any other aspect of the Document Delivery Service and invite you to contact us at (902) 494-3612 or by email at docdel@dal.ca.
Today marks the first day of International Open Access Week (October 19-25).
Wondering what Open Access Week is and why it matters to Dalhousie students and faculty?
Open Access Week provides an opportunity for academics and researchers to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation that will make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research. (from the Open Access Week website)
The principles of Open Access are founded on ideas of public access to publicly funded research, author rights, availability of educational resources, and affordable access to materials for educational institutions. The Dalhousie Libraries are pleased to be using these principles to bring the research activities of Dalhousie to the world.
As part of Open Access Week, Dalhousie Research Services and the Dalhousie Libraries will be presenting two information sessions for Dalhousie researchers.
Open Access
General information on researcher responsibilities and Dalhousie supports
Wednesday, October 21st
1:00 to 3:00pm
Room 3H1, Sir Charles Tupper Building
This event will be available for distance participants at the following URL: http://dal.adobeconnect.com/drs/
Please try to connect before the session to make sure your required software (Flash Player) is up-to-date.
RSVP for this session by October 20th to Sara Lavender at sara.lavender@dal.ca
Data Management Planning
Official launch of RDP Assistant, the research data planning tool from Portage, a project of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries
Thursday, October 22nd
1:30 to 3:30pm
University Hall, MacDonald Building
This event will be webcast via livestream at the following link https://livestream.com/accounts/12469673/events/4408658
RSVP for this session by October 20th to Sara Lavender at sara.lavender@dal.ca
You can also follow @DalLibraries on Twitter to stay up-to-date on everything Open Access.
Monday, October 12 is Thanksgiving Day. Because it’s a holiday, some of our libraries will have reduced hours that day.
W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Killam Memorial Library
1 p.m.–9 p.m.
Sir James Dunn Law Library
9 a.m.–10:45 p.m.
MacRae Library
10 a.m.–10:30 p.m.
Sexton Design & Technology Library
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
As a result of renovations taking place in the Killam Library, the fifth floor will not be considered a quiet floor on a temporary basis.
The floor will be a “collaborative work area”, which means that quiet conversations are allowed as long as the sound does not disrupt the work of other patrons. Audible recorded sounds (e.g., music, movies or cell phone ringtones) are not allowed.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Quiet areas can still be found on the 2nd and 3rd floors (Stack areas), 2nd floor (McNab Reading Room and Learning Commons) and the 4th (Stack area and Atrium hallways).
If you have any concerns about the noise level in the area where you are studying, you can speak to one of the staff members at the Killam Library Service Point, or reach them via text message at (902)220-5318.
Election Day is a mere three weeks away! To help you prepare to get out and rock the vote, the Dalhousie Libraries have set up displays in each library with brochures, postcards and posters that have information on how this process works.
The following websites also provide lots of great tips:
Something else to take note of: This year, Elections Canada has launched a pilot project to open voting centres on a number of campuses across the country:
Two of these centres will be located at Dalhousie University (one at LeMarchant Place and one at the SUB). They will be open from Oct. 5th-8th and will be locations where you can get in-depth information, register to vote, and vote in an advance poll.
Lawrence Scanlan, the author of the Dal Reads 2015 selection A Year of Living Generously, is coming to Dalhousie!
When: Wednesday, October 14 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Special Collections & Archives Reading Room, fifth floor, Killam Library
Lawrence has been a journalist for almost four decades – with daily newspapers (editor of The Nelson Daily News in B.C., literary editor of The Whig-Standard in Ontario), magazines (managing editor of Harrowsmith), and in radio with two national CBC programmes (producer on Morningside and Writers & Company). He has won numerous prizes for his writing, including three National Magazine Awards.
A Year of Living Generously, follows Lawrence as he volunteers with 12 different charities, among them well-known institutions Habitat for Humanity, the St. Vincent de Paul Society and Canadian Crossroads. Drawing from first-hand experiences, he tests the ideas and theories on global aid and charity and makes a compelling case for greater commitment and real connection, in the form of on-the-ground volunteer work, from us all.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see Lawrence Scanlan in person as he reads from A Year of Living Generously.
You can pick up your free copy at any of our five libraries!
The GIS Centre’s Lunchless Learn Series is back for the fall term! These are hands-on tutorials, held around lunchtime, open to all on campus (without the food).
A GIS, or Geographic Information System, is “a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying data relating to positions on earth’s surface.” In other words, it’s an easy and fun way to look at the world differently.
This series gives people a taste of what GIS is and how it can be used. We are offering the same session at different times and locations, so choose the one that fits your schedule best. These sessions are meant to be self-contained; after the intro session–take only the topics that are of interest to you.
Due to the high level of interest in these sessions, we ask you to sign up for each session. To sign up, contact gis@dal.ca
Intro – First Encounters of the GIS Kind
Mon. Sept. 21/15
Killam Library – G70
Tues. Sept. 22/15
Sexton Campus – C Building room C300
Wed. Sept. 23/15
Killam Library – G70
Data – So you want to make a map – Where and How to Find Data
Mon. Sept. 28/15
Killam Library – G70
Tues. Sept. 29/15
Sexton Campus –C Building room C300
Raster – How to become a Raster Master
Tues. Oct. 13/15
Sexton Campus –C Building room C300
Mon. Oct. 19/15
Killam Library – G70
Carto – Maps – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Tues. Oct. 20/15
Sexton Campus –C Building room C300
Mon. Oct. 26/15
Killam Library – G70
ArcGIS Online – GIS that’s in the Cloud(s)!
Mon. Nov. 2/15
Killam Library – G70
Tues. Nov. 3/15
Sexton Campus – C Building room C300
And don’t forget, the GISciences Centre is located on the fifth floor of the Killam Library.
Alanna McLellan comes to the Dalhousie Libraries all the way from Vancouver, BC!
She attended Simon Fraser University where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree studying History and Humanities and a Certificate in Liberal Arts
“Prior to moving out to Nova Scotia, I had an internship at the SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology and worked as a library assistant at a public library,” says Alanna. “From these experiences, I knew I was pursuing the right career path in the field of information.
Alanna enrolled in the MLIS program because she has a passion for helping connect people with the information they need and want.
“I was intrigued by the MLIS program at Dalhousie University in particular because of its placement within the Faculty of Management, and its course content that covers traditional and non-traditional aspects of the information field,” says Alanna. “I also wanted to live and experience a different part of Canada, and Halifax was a city of interest with its east coast culture, while still being near an ocean.”
This Summer Alanna helped organize the library after extensive renovations in late spring. She also provided research assistance at the reference desk and worked on several projects including: designing posters and handouts, a new virtual tour of the library, processing and cataloguing donations, and helped with the migration of the librarians’ subject guides on the LibGuides platform.
“The experience at Sexton Design and Technology Library and the MLIS program has widened my perspective on what I hope to do after graduation. I continue to be passionate about public librarianship, but my interest in working in academic libraries has also grown enormously this past year,” says Alanna. “This is an exciting field to be a part of, and as I enter my final year, I am looking forward to different opportunities as I continue to learn more about the challenges and innovations in the information field.”
Following some helpful feedback from students and faculty, Dalhousie Libraries have renewed the subscription to BMJ Best Practice for the remainder of this year and will be renewing for the next subscription year as well.
This fall, Dalhousie Libraries will be trialing an updated version of another evidence based resource, Dynamed Plus.
We will again be looking for your advice on the value of Dynamed Plus to your work and its place in our suite of evidence based resources
In preparation for the upcoming ProQuest Ebook Central launch, the ProQuest EBL platform will be unavailable for up to three hours September 15, 2015 to combine ebrary and EBL content into a single new back-end system. This update means that when Ebook Central launches, it will have all the content and access models you’re enjoying with EBL and ebrary today.
The EBL Patron Interface and EBL LibCentral will not be available at these times: 7:00 pm -10:00 pm September 15. Apologies for any inconvenience.