Struggling with citations? Get it right the first time with our Anatomy of an APA Citation video!
Start Your Research Here!
The Libraries’ new website is the one-stop spot for getting your research in gear. But we thought you might appreciate a quick tour to start you up.
This video will show you where to find the essential resources and services you’ll need, like RefWorks, Document Delivery, instructional videos and our writing and subject guides. It also explains how to search for books, articles and other materials most effectively. Start your research here!
Find Databases Fast on Our Website
Wondering how to find databases on Dal Libraries’ new website? The answer lies in the single-search bar:
- Type the database’s name into the single-search bar
- Choose “Databases” from the pull-down menu
- Press search
Watch how it’s done in this video, and then head to our homepage to get started on your research.
Get set for more tips from Dal librarians in the coming weeks: we’re here to help!
RefWorks Tutorial Video
This Introduction to RefWorks tutorial explains how to open a RefWorks account and how to export your references into the RefWorks Citation Manager.
So You Want To Make a Map?
So You Want to Make a Map:
How and Where to Find Data
Wednesday, October 13
12:30 – 2:30pm
Room G70, North Learning Commons, Killam Library
This “Lunchless Learn” session will cover the basics of geospatial data, where to find it and how to create your own. What is a ‘Lunchless Learn’, you may ask? It’s a hands-on tutorial, held around lunchtime, open to all–without the food!
Due to a high level of interest, we ask that you contact the GIS Centre to reserve a space. For more information, email us at or visit our website.
This is the second topic in a series. This session will be repeated on October 20th at Sexton Campus at noon. You are not required to have attended the first session (First Encounters of the GIS Kind: An Introduction to the Basics of GIS) but basic GIS skills will be assumed.
GIS Centre Lunchless Learn Series
Back by popular demand! Beginning September 22 the GIS Centre is holding its “Lunchless Learn” hands-on tutorials to give you an idea of what exactly a GIS (Geographic Information System) is, and how it can be used (hint: almost any way you can think of!).
Check out their flyer for the schedule and details, and then sign up for one or more sessions by emailing
How To Become a Raster Master
The GIS Centre will be holding the next installment in our ‘Lunch-less Learn’ series:
How to Become a Raster Master
Friday October 23, from 1:30 – 3:00pm
Room G70, North Learning Commons
Killam Library (first floor)
The session will cover the basics of raster data model and introduce users to raster data analysis. This is the third topic in a series. This session will be repeated on October 27 on Sexton Campus at 12 noon. You are not required to have attended the first session (First Encounters of the GIS Kind: An Introduction to the Basics of GIS) but basic GIS skills will be assumed.
Due to a high level of interest, please contact the GIS Centre to reserve a space.