Please join us this Friday, November 25 at 3:45 p.m. as we partner with the English Department to host Tłı̨chǫ Dene author and storyteller Richard Van Camp as part of their Friday Speaker Series.
Richard’s talk is titled The Joy of Reclaiming Family Medicines for Yourself, Your Community and for Future Generations, and it will take place on Zoom.
Richard describes his talk as follows: “Please join us for this lively conversation with Tłı̨chǫ Dene author and storyteller Richard Van Camp as he shares his journey of reclaiming family recipes, photos, videos, lullabies, songs, names, cooking techniques and more. We promise uplifting stories and everyone who attend will receive gifts from Richard just for being the sweet miracle that you are.”
In addition to the gifts Richard has prepared for all attendees, the organizers will also have a draw for a few of Richard’s books.
Link to register: