The Dalhousie Libraries have just acquired subscriptions to the following resources, which are available both on and off campus in Novanet and via the Databases search page on our website:
Brill Online (Trial)
Brill Online is a collection of digital resources that focuses primarily upon areas such as History, Classics, and Religious Studies, but content is not limited to these subjects. The trial provides access to the entire suite of Brill Online products, but these are also available as individual subscriptions. For the duration of the trial, which ends on March 13, 2008, access is available from on-campus locations only.
The products included in Brill Online are:
- Africa Yearbook
- Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism
- The Brill Dictionary of Religion
- Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edition and THREE
- The Encyclopaedia of Judaism (2nd edition)
- Encyclopaedia of the Qur??n
- Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures (Volumes 1 to 5)
- Index Islamicus
- International Year Book and Statesmen’s Who’s Who 2008
- Jacoby Online (consisting of Brill’s New Jacoby and Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker)
- New Pauly Online (consisting of Der Neue Pauly and Brill’s New Pauly)
- World Christian Database
Oxford Islamic Studies Online (Trial)
Oxford Islamic Studies Online (OISO) offers unique and comprehensive online access to the history and culture of Islam and provides full-text access to great Oxford reference and scholarly works, including The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, The Oxford History of Islam, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, two classic interpretations of the Qur’an, a Concordance of the Qur’an, What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam, and the forthcoming Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World (due to publish in 2008).
For the period of this trial, which ends on February 23, 2008, access to this database will be restricted to on-campus locations only. For information on other trials that we are hosting, please visit the Library’s Trial Resources page.