Carpe diem! Dalhousie University Libraries is pleased to announce on- and off-campus access to the digital Loeb Classical Library, a fully searchable, virtual library of Greek and Latin texts written across some 1400 years, from Homer and Hesiod in the 7th century BCE, to the Venerable Bede, who wrote in the 7th century CE. This ever-growing collection consists of over 520 volumes, each of which includes an English translation, introduction, bibliography and textual/explanatory notes. The online interface will feel very familiar to users of the printed volumes, with their iconic red and green covers and page layout, with original text on the verso and the English translation on recto pages.
Every work is classified by language, form, genre, subject and date, allowing for simple searching and browsing using a Google-style box (and the option of a Greek keyboard), or advanced searching with various combinations of author, editor/translator, main text, front and back matter or notes. By employing a personal sign-in feature, users may create permanent bookmarks and annotations, and share them via email or social media, offering possibilities for use in teaching and group study.
While the original Loeb hardcovers were designed to slip easily into a coat pocket, now the entire library will fit into your pocket. So seize the day and explore this rich new resource!