It is a holiday tradition that the students, law staff, faculty, and library staff of the Schulich School of Law collect food for the Food Bank. Law School is a competitive place so an added incentive is the friendly (!) contest among the three program sections and the faculty/staff team to donate the most food items. Coordinated by the Law Student Society President Anthony Rosborough and Head of Circulation Anne-Marie White, over three weeks a total of 2,074 food items were donated. The Law Student Society also donated $200 to the Food Bank. Thank you to all those who donated, cajoled, and counted during a busy time of year! (P.S. The Faculty/Staff/Library Team won!)
Novanet Libraries Food Drive
January 30 – February 10, 2012
Reduce or clear your library fines with food!
For every non-perishable food item donated, participating Novanet libraries** will reduce your library fine by $2, to a maximum of $20. All food donations will be given to Feed Nova Scotia (recommended items).
Bring your donations of canned goods or other non-perishable foods to the Circulation Desk at any of the Dalhousie Libraries during regular hours. We accept cash as well, and you can make contributions even if you don’t owe book fines.
Good for the libraries, good for the food bank — good for you!
**Food For Fines is an initiative of the libraries at Mount St. Vincent University, Dalhousie University, University of King’s College, Cape Breton University, Atlantic School of Theology, St. Francis Xavier University, Saint Mary’s University, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, NSCAD University, and the Nova Scotia Community Colleges.
Novanet Libraries Food Drive
January 17 – 28, 2011
Reduce or clear your library fines with food!
For every non-perishable food item donated, participating Novanet libraries will reduce your library fine by $2, to a maximum of $20. All food donations will be given to Feed Nova Scotia (recommended items).
Bring your donations of canned goods or other non-perishable foods to the Circulation Desk at any of the Dalhousie Libraries during regular hours. We accept cash as well!
Good for the libraries, good for the food bank — good for you!
Practicing Generosity
Lawyers are not usually reputed to be generous souls, but at the Schulich School of Law the Weldon Tradition of Unselfish Public Service is regularly put into practice. Recent visitors to the Law Library would have seen a mountain of groceries in our front lobby. Between Nov. 19th and Dec. 7th law students, faculty and staff gathered Food for FEED NOVA SCOTIA. This is an annual friendly competition, organized by the Law Students’ Society, and hosted in the Sir James Dunn Law Library. The Law School Community together gathered 1,813 items of food. This on top of the Movember campaign, Adopt-a-Family and other charitable causes.
Well done Schulich Law Community! We are looking forward to next year’s rematch!