We have been listening to your feedback and new items have been added to the menu.
- We will now be serving vegan pizza throughout the week! Look for the vegan label on the menu at the pizza station.
- By popular demand – chicken burgers will be available at the pizza stations for lunch and dinner, every day!
- Lastly, look out for the Sustainable seafood labels. Read this month’s Love Your Ocean blog post to learn more about what our sustainability actions are in the dining hall and how you can do your part by simply choosing the sustainable seafood menu items!
March Sneak Peak:
Mar. 2: MSC Chef Feature
As we’ve mentioned, ensuring our students have access to sustainable seafood is one of our top priorities. Therefore, in order for us to do our part in supporting healthy oceans we purchase and prepare MSC certified seafood in both dining halls. We will be hosting an MSC chef feature event to give you a yummy taste of sustainability on Mar. 2 at both Howe hall and Shirreff hall.
Nutrition Month
Next month is Nutrition Month, and the theme is “Good for YOU – Dietitians Help You Find Your Healthy”. We will be running a series of live Q&A’s and debunking common nutrition myths. If you have any questions that we can answer please comment in the comments section below, send an e-mail to Dietitian@Dal.ca, or DM us on our Instagram account – we will be sure to provide you with the most recent evidence-based answers!
Changes & Improvements
We want to acknowledge your patience and continued support in working hard towards maintaining a safe space in the dining halls – it has not gone unnoted!
Also, please don’t hesitate to ask our friendly staff if you can’t find something or if you wish something was available that you haven’t seen. You may be unaware that we have items like condiments and seasonings on hand for students.
You can also request to have menu items customized to meet certain dietary restrictions. Look out for the Vegan, Vegetarian, No-Gluten, No-Dairy, Halal, and MSC (Marine Stewardship Counsel Sustainably sourced seafood) labels at each station. If you need help navigating the dining hall, your dietary restrictions, or want general healthy eating tips, please reach out to our Dietitian Rai-Lee by emailing her at dietitian@dal.ca.
Also, remember to look at the purple menu signs if you are wanting to change things up, you’ll see what items are available daily to make customizable substitutions.
We want to hear from you!
Our top priority is ensuring you have the best experience, so please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, your feedback is valuable! Here are some ways you can get in touch with us:
- Talk to a manager or supervisor;
- Write a comment on our Napkin Talk board – a manager will respond within 24 hours;
- Fill out our online survey;
- Feedback Fridays! Every Friday at both Howe Hall and Shirreff Hall our dietetic interns from Mount Saint Vincent University, Heather and Andrea, will be setting up a booth so you can give us instant feedback on your dining experience and ask questions. Also, Joe our executive Chef, Rai-Lee our on-campus dietitian, and Debbie our Director of Residence Dining will be making appearances on alternating Fridays to chat with any students passing by. Don’t be shy!
- Lastly, Heather and Andrea, will also be circulating in the dining halls to answer any of your questions and taking additional on the fly feedback throughout the week!
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