Please join us for (virtual) SIM Research Day to hear about the exciting research projects our graduate students and colleagues are working on. Featuring virtual lightning talks from graduate students, alumni, and professionals. All presentations will be 3 minutes + 2 minutes for questions. This event is free and open to all. No need to RSVP. Simply click the link below to join.
Feel free to share. This event will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.
Via Microsoft Teams (<–click link at above date/time to join. If you already have Teams, it will open. If you do not have Teams, you can watch in your browser – move the Teams download request window and click the option to open in browser. Note: Safari is NOT recommended due to issues with video and audio. Instructions for downloading Teams are attached if needed).
Click here for the full event schedule
Click here to learn more about research in the School of Information Management.