Heading into the winter season, you may need a pick-me-up to keep you energized. Don’t miss these tips!
Think Vitamin D
Vitamin D from the sun helps jump start your body’s natural defenses, but getting enough during the cold, shorter days of winter is hard. Try adding fortified dairy products, whole grain cereals, and fish with healthy fats like salmon or tuna to your diet. On sunny days, if you’re not afraid to brave the cold, get outside for a natural dose of the sunshine vitamin.
Boost Immunity
The best defense is a good offense! Eating a balanced diet high in immune-boosting foods full of antioxidant vitamins is a great way to up your game. Try sweet potatoes, carrots, and other orange foods for vitamin A; turn to citrus fruit for a daily dose of vitamin C; and get vitamin E from sensible portions of nuts and fortified cereals.
Keep Moving
Exercise can help keep your health in check, and stave off stress and the winter blues – all to the benefit of your immune system and general well-being. Cure cabin fever with an outdoor walk, hike, or a winter sport like skiing or skating (head to the Oval!). If you’d rather not brave the cold, stream one of the many online videos featuring everything from dance routines to yoga and Pilates in the comfort of your own room.
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