Coffee itself is loaded with phytonutrients and antioxidants which bring a whole host of health benefits; the confusion arises when asked whether the caffeine has more health benefits or costs. The truth is that not all of us metabolize coffee equally. Nutrigenomics has discovered 2 categories: fast metabolizers and slow metabolizers. The category you fit in determines how much caffeine is healthy for you.
If you’re a slow metabolizer, a cup or two of joe every so often is safe depending on your symptoms. However, too much caffeine for this group is associated with disrupted sleep, worse PMS symptoms, increased blood pressure (even in people without hypertension) and non-fatal myocardial infarction (aka a heart attack). What is too much? You know that jittery and wired feeling you get eventually? That’s too much. This could be as little as ½ cup or as much as 3 cups depending on the individual and the strength of the coffee.
For those of you fast metabolizers, you’re lucky enough that caffeine is not only safe, but likely provides you health benefits!
Short of getting an expensive genetics test, the best way to tell what type of metabolizer you are is through how caffeine makes you feel. If you are the type that gets jittery and feels wired for 8 or 9 hours then you’re likely a slow metabolizer. For you, it is best to either drink caffeinated beverages infrequently at portions small enough that it does not cause symptoms or to avoid caffeinated beverages all together. If you only feel a slight boost in energy and alertness for a couple of hours then you’re likely a fast metabolizer. It seems that the optimal daily dose of caffeine for you is 1-3 cups of coffee per day. This is the amount that seems to maximize benefits while minimizing possible risks.
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