The Sir James Dunn Law Library is closed Sunday afternoon Feb. 22, 2015 due to flooding. We will update this status as we know more.
Christmas Generosity
It is a holiday tradition that the students, law staff, faculty, and library staff of the Schulich School of Law collect food for the Food Bank. Law School is a competitive place so an added incentive is the friendly (!) contest among the three program sections and the faculty/staff team to donate the most food items. Coordinated by the Law Student Society President Anthony Rosborough and Head of Circulation Anne-Marie White, over three weeks a total of 2,074 food items were donated. The Law Student Society also donated $200 to the Food Bank. Thank you to all those who donated, cajoled, and counted during a busy time of year! (P.S. The Faculty/Staff/Library Team won!)
Law Library Temporary Closure Tuesday, Nov 24
Due to heating malfunctions (excessive heat) the Sir James Dunn Law Library is temporarily closed this morning Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2014 until the problem can be addressed. We apologize for the inconvenience. Update: Repairs have begun and we anticipate the temperature improving over the next hour. We plan to reopen the library at 10:30am.
Law Library Reno 2: Demo Day
Law Library under Renovation
On Monday, September 16, 2013 we began our long awaited renovations. We will be creating a new Information Services Centre. Watch our blog as we chronicle the transformation and update you on construction news.
Law Library, Remembrance Day HOURS
Saturday, November 10, 2012
- 12noon-6pm
Sunday, November 11, 2012
- 12noon-10:45pm
Monday, November 12, 2012
- 9am-10:45pm
Mini Law School
Always wanted to know what it’s like to go to law school?
Come and find out at a free series of engaging public lectures that will give you a taste of what a legal education is all about. There’s no cost to attend – and better still, no tests to write – just come with a curious ear to listen to fascinating lectures from some of the law school’s most talented faculty.
Practicing Generosity
Lawyers are not usually reputed to be generous souls, but at the Schulich School of Law the Weldon Tradition of Unselfish Public Service is regularly put into practice. Recent visitors to the Law Library would have seen a mountain of groceries in our front lobby. Between Nov. 19th and Dec. 7th law students, faculty and staff gathered Food for FEED NOVA SCOTIA. This is an annual friendly competition, organized by the Law Students’ Society, and hosted in the Sir James Dunn Law Library. The Law School Community together gathered 1,813 items of food. This on top of the Movember campaign, Adopt-a-Family and other charitable causes.
Well done Schulich Law Community! We are looking forward to next year’s rematch!
Law Library Thanksgiving Hours
The Sir James Dunn Law Library will be open regular hours Saturday, Oct. 9 and Sunday, Oct. 10, and 9am-10:45pm on Thanksgiving Monday, October 11, 2010.
New Chief Law Librarian
The Sir James Dunn Law Library is very pleased to welcome our new Chief Law Librarian, Anne Matthewman. Anne began her position here on August 3. Prior to this Anne was the Library Manager and Executive Director of the Toronto Lawyers Association. In addition, Anne has served in a number of capacities on the Executive Board of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries, most recently as the Past President, and has also held office in the American Association of Law Libraries.
Anne looks forward to working with new colleagues within the Dalhousie Libraries system. Please join us in wishing her much success.