Have you heard of UNIWeb, but not quite sure what it can do for you? Or do you have an account in UNIWeb and just want some tips on using it more effectively?
Join us for this practical hour-long workshop that covers getting started with Dalhousie’s new documenting, management and networking tool for all your academic activity.
The virtual session will include tips on navigation, data entry, and easy CV and report generation using UNIWeb. Also see how to create a public profile, indicate your research interests, network with others and more. It will be offered on Wednesdays from 12–1 p.m., July 17, 24, 31, August 7, and 14. Register for the Wednesday session you’d like via the libraries’ events calendar: https://dal.libcal.com/calendar/events/?cid=7504&t=m&d=0000-00-00&cal=7504
Sessions will be delivered via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/214167700
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