Updated December 4, 2015:
The American College of Physicians (ACP) has withdrawn their books from the StatRef ebook platform. Their decision means that effective December 1st, 2015 Dalhousie users will no longer have access to the ebooks: MKSAP for students 5 and Internal medicine essentials for clerkship students. However, MKSAP for students 4 is available in print at both the Kellogg and UNBSJ libraries and a newer edition of both titles is on order at both libraries (rebranded “IM Essentials: Text and IM Essentials: Questions”). Neither book is available electronically to institutions.
These books are kept on reserve at both libraries to ensure availability. Books on Reserve cannot be borrowed through Document Delivery but individual chapters may be available. Requests can be placed through Dalhousie Document Delivery.
Effective immediately ACP Smart Medicine will no longer be published (the content is in the process of being merged with Dynamed Plus). AHFS DI Essentials, which was bundled with ACP Smart Medicine on StatRef, will be available as AHFS Drug Information via MedicinesComplete.
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