Libraries Nova Scotia is planning a province-wide reading event for adults to promote a love of reading and “unity reading,” with many people reading and discussing the same book. The One Book One Province project will take place next fall in October 2012, just in time for Canadian Library Month.
Many places have successfully carried out “One Book One City” programs in various sized communities throughout the world. CBC’s Canada Reads program is a broad example of a community reading program for adults. The One Book One Province project actively involves public, university, and community college libraries, as well as the Nova Scotia Provincial Library, the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia, and booksellers.
What book should we all read? The chosen book must be:
- written by a living Canadian author
- able to generate discussion and the exchange of ideas
- appealing to a broad range of adult readers of varying ages, literacy levels, and life experience
- in print and available for purchase
- strongly written with compelling story, characters, and setting that will generate excitement among readers
Libraries Nova Scotia needs your help! If you have a suggestion for One Book One Province please submit it using this form.
The survey will be open until December 1st, 2011. May the best book win!
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