Construction has begun this week on a Subway outlet in the Killam Library atrium. They’ll be demolishing some of the concrete infrastructure beginning tonight from 9pm until 7am; this will take approximately 2 weeks to complete (the noisiest work will happen only while the library is closed).
The work will also include some retrofitting of both the Library Bistro and the Second Cup to allow for changing traffic paterns. The Bistro will be reorganized tomorrow (August 24) to allow a reduced Second Cup to operate in that space. Coffee, pastries, sandwiches, and packaged salads will be available during this period, but no espresso-based or blender drinks . Next week the Second Cup will close and be retrofitted.
We apologize for the disruption!
Leslie Fairn will be rolling in his grave.
I’m really concerned about this, particularly about noise and smells. A Subway could ruin what is currently a very pleasant meeting and studying area. Was there ever any consultation about this project? If so, when, and with whom?
I also object to yet another fast food chain providing us with more poor quality food on campus.
Many of us in the library share your concerns. This is NOT a library initiative, but rather a Dal food services project, we were simply informed that this was coming. It will certainly mean more work for our already overworked custodial staff. In any case I guess we’ll all just have to hope for the best….
One of the nicest things about the glass roof addition to the atrium years ago was that it finally allowed the fountains from Leslie Fairn’s original design to be completed as envisioned. And what a beautiful vision. But let’s destroy all that and throw up a cheap, ugly, smelly fast food joint in it’s place. Outrageous.
Splendid. The Killiam Library decides the whole ‘library’ atmosphere thing is kinda lame, and not profitable… so they add a smelly Subway.
So now there is less room in the library atrium for the students. We might as well call the atrium the ‘food court’ now.
Great job, Dal…
We should clarify that the installation of the Subway is NOT a library initiative–in fact, we vigorously opposed it when we were told it was coming. In addition to all the concerns expressed above, the last thing we need is MORE food coming into the library!
What is wrong with all you guys? Why the negativity? There is a very tiny percentage of students who actually study in the atrium, the rest study in the library…which is meant for studying in. Many students spend hours studying IN the LIBRARY, get hungry, and need a place to eat that isn’t across campus or in another building.
The atrium is NOT the library and it’s purpose is NOT for studying otherwise there would be desks and not leather chairs and tiny round tables. I think you should all stop complaining, accept change, and study in one of the many quiet places that are meant for studying in the library.