I’m reading John Bemrose’s The Island Walkers, an engaging and sensitively written novel about a family in a small Ontario mill town. Follows the individual threads of each family member as well as a broader story about union issues. A superb read, highly recommended!
I’m reading my first edition copy of Thomas Raddall’s “The Nymph and the Lamp”: a romance set in 1920’s Halifax and Sable Island. Raddall’s writing is first rate, and he evokes the isolation of island life with heard rending vividness.
It must be Thomas Raddall month as well! I am reading “Halifax, Warden of the North”. I have had this book in my home library since 1978 and have only just cracked the cover. I agree with Ian, Raddall is an easy read. I now look forward to reading the rest of his works over the summer.
Riding with Rilke: Reflections on Motorcycles and Books by Ted Bishop.
I’m reading John Bemrose’s The Island Walkers, an engaging and sensitively written novel about a family in a small Ontario mill town. Follows the individual threads of each family member as well as a broader story about union issues. A superb read, highly recommended!
I’m reading my first edition copy of Thomas Raddall’s “The Nymph and the Lamp”: a romance set in 1920’s Halifax and Sable Island. Raddall’s writing is first rate, and he evokes the isolation of island life with heard rending vividness.
It must be Thomas Raddall month as well! I am reading “Halifax, Warden of the North”. I have had this book in my home library since 1978 and have only just cracked the cover. I agree with Ian, Raddall is an easy read. I now look forward to reading the rest of his works over the summer.