Creighton Barrett, Digital Archivist in the University Archives, will give a digital humanities brown bag talk this Friday.
Title: Digitizing and exhibiting the archives of artist-run centres in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Date and Time: Friday, 20 November, 12:00 p.m.
Location: McCain Building, Room 2130
Creighton will discuss some of the theoretical and practical challenges associated with preparing archival material for an upcoming exhibition at the Dalhousie Art Gallery.
Exhibition Title: “Why are we saving All these artist publications + Other Galleries stuffs? The Emergence of Artist-Run Culture in Halifax.
Tentative Dates: 15 January to 17 April 2016
Curated By: Creighton Barrett, Digital Archivist, Dalhousie University Archives and Peter Dykhuis, Director/Curator, Dalhousie Art Gallery