Exam season is almost upon us, and that means we’ll be offering extended hours at most of our locations, starting as early as this weekend.
Here’s a guide to extended hours by location to help you keep track of it all:
Location | Extended hours |
Sir James Dunn Law Library
Starting April 4, the library will stay open until midnight on Thursdays and Fridays and open at 9 a.m. on Saturdays.
Kellogg Library Learning Commons (CHEB)
Starting March 17, the learning commons will stay open till 3 a.m. A valid DalCard is required to take part in Night Owls (Sun–Thu, midnight–3 a.m.).
Killam Memorial Library
Starting March 24, the first floor of the library will remain open till 3 a.m. and starting March 30, the library will open at 8 a.m. on Saturday and Sundays. A valid DalCard is required to take part in Night Owls (Sun–Thu, midnight–3 a.m.).
MacRae Library
Starting March 17, the Student Learning Commons will remain open till 3 a.m. and the library will open at 10 a.m. on Saturday mornings. A valid DalCard is required to take part in Night Owls (Sun–Thu, midnight–3 a.m.).
Sexton Design & Technology Library | Starting April 5, the library will stay open until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. |
Just wondering why the early bird policy for library hours is not something that is happening during this finals week. I found it really helpful last year.
Thank you,
Holly Hanes, MA Candidate Department of History
Hi Holly,
This post is promoting Night Owls and Early Birds in the spring. Early Birds is currently running in the Killam, it started this term on November 23.
Here is the post promoting Night Owls and Early Birds for Fall 2019: https://blogs.dal.ca/libraries/2019/11/night-owls-early-birds-fall-2019/
Thanks for your interest in the Dal Libraries,