We are pleased to welcome our new Copyright Services Coordinator, John Yolkowski!
John is not a stranger to the Dalhousie Libraries. For the past year, he has been the project manager for the Elisabeth Mann Borgese Digitization Project, working with the Research & Scholarly Communications / Archives team on the fifth floor of the Killam.
John’s educational background includes an MLIS from Western and an MA from Guelph. He has previous experience working in archives, research, teaching, and providing chat reference service with OCUL’s Scholars Portal.
“The Dalhousie Libraries Copyright Office provides support to faculty, staff and students, to facilitate fair and ethical use of copyright materials for learning and teaching,” says Donna Bourne-Tyson, University Librarian. “John brings with him relevant experience, expertise and a willingness to work with our community to ensure everyone benefits from the wealth of scholarly material available.”
Whether it’s booking a film screening on campus, putting course materials into Blackboard, applying Fair Dealing, or learning about Creative Commons licenses, John is looking forward to answering any questions staff, faculty, or students have about how copyright affects them. Part of this work will be educational in nature, and he especially excited about delivering a series of presentations to various faculties here in the coming months to discuss copyright at Dalhousie.
“Often people can find the whole concept of copyright a bit overwhelming,” says John. “But with many of the changes that have happened in the last couple of years, educational institutes have a whole new range of options and possibilities and I look forward to helping people see what is possible in their research, teaching, and studying.”
John will be based out of the Killam Library. If you have questions about Copyright, contact copyright.office@dal.ca or 902-494-4346.
Welcome John!
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