There are a number of student-published journals at Dalhousie, covering disciplines from Medicine, English, Law, French, History and more. Here is a list of the titles we know about (please contact us if you know of a title that’s not on this list):
Compendium 2 (a new scholarly journal on writing pedagogies, edited with the assistance of undergraduate and graduate students affiliated with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Dalhousie Writing Centre)
Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management (DJIM)
Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies
Fathom (English/King’s)
Initiales (French)
International Insights (produced by graduate students in the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies)
Just @ Dal, Journal of Undergrad Science Today at Dalhousie
Pangaea (History)
Pseudo-Dionysius (from Classics/King’s)
Verso, an undergrad journal of literary criticism
Some of these journals are hosted on a service called Dalhousie Open Journal Systems,, such as the Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management (DJIM). Please get in touch with if you have a student journal at Dal that you’d like to be hosted on the Dalhousie Open Journal System.
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