JSSAC Website Launch: An Open Access Architectural Journal
The Sexton Library is happy to announce the formal launch of an open access website for the Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada. Over the past three years, Sexton Library’s Digital Initiatives Group, SEXTONdigital, has been collaborating with the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, to digitize, index, and to provide free online and open access to all of the issues of the Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada (1975-present). The project is now complete, with current issues to be added as they become available from the Society. This formal website launch coincides with the Society’s annual meeting, this week in Ottawa, Ontario.
Drop by the Sexton Library to see a display on the making of the digital archive, to view a slideshow of Journal images and content, or to pick up a commemorative bookmark!
The website can be found at: http://sextondigital.library.dal.ca/jssac/
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