We are happy to share the following recent research accomplishments by SIM faculty/students:
- From Dr. Mike Smit (Professor): Released in February 2021, our paper on the Mobile Application User Experience Checklist (website) describes our process building and evaluating a tool for evaluating apps (specifically, apps that are used to present information to users). Such a checklist is particularly helpful for systematic app reviews, which is actually how we started down this road. This work is in collaboration with colleagues in the School of Nursing, and used an assignment in INFO 6630 (2018) for some of our data collection. Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
- From Dr. Louise Spiteri (Professor): Also in February, the paper entitled Zero-Waste Instagram Communities: A Thematic Analysis of ZW Activities through the Lens of the Lifestyle Movement Framework was published in The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science.
- Congratulations to Dr. Philippe Mongeon (Assistant Professor), Alison Brown (Lecturer), and students* (Ratna Dhaliwal, Jessalyn Hill, Amber Matthews) who were recently awarded CAIS (Canadian Association for Information Science) Best Paper for their submission: A bibliometric analysis of race-related research in LIS. This paper was presented at the 2021 CAIS conference: https://www.cais2021.ca/program/ . Other papers written/co-written by SIM students presented include:
- The established archives: A bibliometric overview of archival research (Kendell Fitzgerald, Grace Bourret, Jordan Audas, Lisa Olson, Ana Roeschley, Philippe Mongeon)
- Is archival scholarship for everybody? A bibliometric analysis of gender and knowledge production in the archival field, 1981 – 2019 (Lisa Olson, Jordan Audas, Grace Bourret, Kendell Fitzgerald, Ana Roeschley, Philippe Mongeon)
- The intersection of shark research, policy and the public: A bibliometric and altmetric view(Kory Melnick, Tamanna Moharana, Rémi Toupin, Pallavi Gone, Bertrum MacDonald-SIM Professor, Philippe Mongeon)
- Mapping the Canadian library and information science research landscape (Cora-Lynn Munroe-Lynds, Marc-André Simard, Vinson Li, Emily McClean, Philippe Mongeon)
- Information literacy in Nova Scotia: Systematic mapping of high school learning outcomes(Cora-Lynn Munroe-Lynds)
*SIM students names in bold
- Dr. Colin Conrad (Assistant Professor) was awarded a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant from the Dalhousie Centre for Learning and Teaching.
- MI students Poppy Riddle and Kendell Fitzgerald have been awarded scholarships from Coalition Publica for their theses.
- MI student Tamanna Moharana accepted a Research Assistant position with the Environmental Information: Use and Influence (EIUI) group, where she will assist with a project in partnership with the California Ocean Science Trust. MI student Lisa Long will also continue as a Research Assistant with EIUI.
Congratulations to all!
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