SIM held its annual Research Day event on April 1st, 2021. A total of 15 presenters including students and alumni from the Master of Information (MI), Master of Information Management (MIM), Master of Electronic Commerce (MEC), and Master of Science (MSc) programs gave dynamic 3-minute presentations of their research, in various stages of completion. Topics covered a wide range of disciplines, including predatory publications, quantum safety, ocean researcher twitter habits, ethics, online group work, information literacy, Irish language and music, and online dating (full list of participants below). Judging by the intriguing questions from the audience, these topics struck a chord and connected to many current social issues.
“SIM has a long history of supporting student research and our annual research day highlights and celebrates this,” says Dr. Vivian Howard (SIM Acting Director). “As usual, I was so impressed by the range of topics and by the presenters themselves as they summarized their research in three very short minutes. This year’s presenters included alumni as well as students in various programs. The virtual delivery format meant that we were able to include presenters and audience members from a wide variety of locations and it really expanded the reach of this event, and, I hope, inspired a lot of excitement about the kinds of research taking place within our School and our Faculty as a whole.”
Special thanks to Dr. Keith Lawson (SIM Assistant Professor) for acting as MC, and to Dr. Dominika Wranik (Associate Dean-Research, Faculty of Management) for welcoming attendees.
Want to learn more about research initiatives at SIM? Visit the research page of our website.
Thank you to our Presenters
- Miranda Angelski & Katie Kehoe (MI): Temporary Caregivers and the Child(ren) in Their Care: Fostering an Engaging and Supportive Library Environment
- Andrew Battershill (MI): Ethics in Action-Wealth Inequality and Solidarity
- Leah Boulos (Alumni): Predatory Publications in Cochrane Systematic Reviews
- Ryan Deschamps (Alumni): An Introduction to the Quantum Threat and Quantum Safety
- Pallavi Gone (MI): Scholar’s Interactions on Twitter: A Case Study on Ocean Researcher’s Conference Participation
- Lisa Holmes (MIM): Swipe, tap, and scroll: Supporting the transition to university for Gen Z student
- Molly MacDougall (MI): Ethics in Action: Starting from the Ground Up
- Rachel Moylan (MI): Presence, Agency, and Context: Students’ Experiences Engaging in Creative Group Processes in an Online Educational Environment
- Lisa Mullins (MI): Municipal Food Gardening Policies and Programs across Canada
- Cora-Lynn Munroe-Lynds (MI): Information Literacy in Nova Scotia: Systematic Mapping of High School Learning Outcomes
- Kate Newhook (MI): Ceol Agus Teanga: Examining the Relationship Between Irish Music, Irish Language Learning, and Personal Knowledge Management
- Tasnim Nishat (MSc): “What will they think?” Fear of identity misclassification keeps men from choosing female Uber bike drivers in Bangladesh
- Gabriel Orellena Diaz (MEC): Dating Apps and Online Communities and the Impact of Covid-19
- Zhensong Zheng (MSc): The Effect of Managers’ Experiences During 2007-2009 Financial Crisis on Firm Performance
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