Hello and welcome to our final Professional Mentorship Porgram (PMP) bulletin of the year. We’d like to take this opportunity to touch base with you about upcoming PMP plans and other events.
Mentees, March is a busy month, but we encourage you to arrange a final meeting or conversation with your mentor. Consider meeting for coffee or via Skype or email and preparing specific questions or topics of interest in advance. Although the program is almost over, this does not mean that PMP partners can no longer keep in touch. We encourage all participants to maintain contact with their partner as they are able.
Upcoming events:
Mentors and mentees, we would like to remind you of the upcoming PMP Wrap-up Party. This event is open to all PMP participants as well as all members of SIM. Event details:
- WHAT: A group get-together, starting with a brief presentation by the Dal CLA executive and lots of time for visiting with other SIM members and members of the professional community. A snooker table is available on site and Dal CLA will order some appetizers to share. Additional food and drinks are available on site for purchase.
- WHEN: Wedneday, March 19 at 5:30pm (presentation around 6:00pm).
- WHERE: Dalhousie University Club games room, 6259 Alumni Crescent (the games room is on the lower level of the building near the pub).
- Please RSVP to dalhousiecla@gmail.com.
Students, consider attending the Brown Bag Lunch on Friday, March 14. Nicole has done an excellent job of arranging very interesting topics throughout the year, so it is always worthwhile to make time for these events.
To keep tabs on other events throughout the year, please visit the SIM Events Calendar.
Dalhousie CLA would like to thank all participants in the Professional Mentorship Program this year. We hope that you found it educational and rewarding. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions, suggestions, concerns, or comments. We always love to hear from our participants.
Thank you
Dalhousie CLA Student Chapter
Email us at dalhousiecla@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter @CLADalhousie
Join our new LinkedIn group
See our updates on the SIMcast blog
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