It’s hard to believe that we will soon be entering the last full month of the winter term. We hope that February has treated you all well.
Mentees, we encourage you to touch base with your mentor if you have not recently done so. Some of our previous activity suggestions have been to meet up for a tour of your mentor’s workplace or do a resume review or job shadow. These can all be very useful experiences, so we encourage you to consider them if you haven’t had a chance to try them already. Attending an event together or simply meeting up for coffee or over Skype are always great options, too. Remember that it can be helpful to consider what you would like to learn from your mentor in advance of a meeting and have some questions or topics prepared.
Upcoming Events:
Mentors and mentees, the PMP Wrap-up Party has been set for Wednesday, March 19th at 5:30 p.m. Come on out to enjoy some time with your PMP partner and a chance to visit with others involved in the program. More details will be provided in the near future.
Students, some excellent upcoming professional development opportunities include:
- PPD: Mock Interview Demonstration – February 26th, 2:30-5:30 in Rowe 3089
- Brown Bag Lunch: Careers for MLIS Students in Business Intelligence and Corporate Settings – February 28th in Rowe 4034 (the Common Room)
To keep tabs on other upcoming events throughout the year, please visit the SIM Events Calendar. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
Thank you
Dalhousie CLA Student Chapter
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