In order to allow you some extra studying time, the Killam Library will open early on weekends during the period of final exams.
Weekend hours from April 9 – April 23 will be:
Saturday, March 31: 8am – midnight
Sunday, April 1: 8am – 3am (Night Owls midnight -3, Learning Commons and Atrium only)
Saturday, April 7: 8am – midnight
Sunday, April 8: 8am – 3am (Night Owls midnight -3, Learning Commons and Atrium only)
Saturday, April 14: 8am – midnight
Sunday, April 15: 8am – 3am (Night Owls midnight -3, Learning Commons and Atrium only)
Saturday, April 21: 8am – midnight
Sunday, April 22: 8am – 3am (Night Owls midnight -3, Learning Commons and Atrium only)
Good luck with your exams!
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