At the recent Spring Full Faculty Meeting, awards were given to three individuals in recognition of their contributions to teaching and research in the Faculty:
The Faculty of Health Professions Teaching Excellence Award – Dr. Carolyn Campbell – Social Work – this award honours an outstanding teacher who embodies the finest aspects of exemplary teaching. Carolyn has been an exemplary teacher, a leader in the development of the School’s curricula and has published widely in the area of pedagogy. She has been extensively involved in committees at both the School and Faculty level during her career at Dalhousie, and is also involved in community development work.
The Faculty of Health Professions Senior Research Excellence Award – Dr. Gail Tomblin-Murphy – Nursing – this award reccognizes outstanding research that leads to significant progress in the understanding and/or management of a health-related problem, contributions to a health related field and overall excellence. Gail has developed an extensive program of research in the area of Health Human Resources with funding from several national and international agencies. Gail is also the Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Workforce Planning and Research, Associate Director – Research and International Affairs, School of Nursing.
The Faculty of Health Professions Early Career Research Excellence Award – Dr. Joan Versnel – Occupational Therapy – this award is given to a faculty member who, in the first seven years of their appointment at Dalhousie, has demonstrated outstanding research that leads to significant progress in the understanding and/or management of a health-related problem. Joan’s research focuses on adolescent/young adult self management with particular interest in the learning principles, families interest in the learning principles and how families negotiate self-management responsibilities. Joan is co-principal investigator on the PHAC project “The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition: The LINC Study.”
The Faculty of Health Professions Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research – Mr. Mark Issa – Pharmacy – this award is to reward excellence in research performed by graduate students within the Faculty of Health Professions. Mark will defend his thesis in the summer of 2012 and will have the distinction of being the first MSc Pharmaceutical Science student to graduate from the College of Pharmacy. Mark received his award at the conclusion of the IHRTP Graduate Research Day from Dr. Anita Unruh who noted that Mark had shown remarkable enthusiasm, ability and initiative throughout the course of his program in Pharmacy.