Dr. Sara Kirk (Health and Human Performance) and the Class II team released the preliminary results of their study – which examined the effects of school policies on nutrition, physical activity, mental well-being, school performance and children’s overall health – at an event on May 10, 2012. Both CBC and CTV news reported on the event. Find more information on the CLASS II project, and links to the news videos on the CLASS II Website.
HHP Welcomes Dr. Sara Kirk
The School of Health and Human Performance is pleased to welcome Dr. Sara Kirk who has transferred from her previous appointment in the School of Health Administration. Sara continues to hold a Canada Research Chair in Health Services Research and has cross-appointments with Community Health and Epidemiology and the IWK Health Centre in Halifax. She is also a Research Associate with the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre and a Senior Scientist with the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute. Sara’s research program uses a social-ecological approach to understand lifestyle factors influencing health status and health services utilization, particularly in relation to excessive weight gain (obesity).
Applied Research Collaborations for Health (ARCH)
Applied Research Collaborations for Health (ARCH) is the research group for Dr. Sara Kirk. Sara Kirk holds a Canada Research Chair in Health Services Research within the School of Health Administration at Dalhousie University and cross-appointments with the School of Health and Human Performance and the IWK Health Centre.
ARCH uses a social-ecological approach to understand lifestyle factors influencing health status and health services utilization, particularly in relation to excessive weight gain. In particular, ARCH is looking at how obesity is managed within the health setting, as well as in understanding the contribution to the “obesogenic” environment.
To learn more about ARCH and get regular updates about their work, check out the ARCH blog.