Note: The “Accept Terms And Conditions” link will only appear to students once recruitment for the applicable work term has been opened by MCS.
Quick Steps:
- Log in to myCareer > Management Career Services
- Scroll down the page > Select “Accept Terms and Conditions” for the appropriate upcoming work term.
For more detail on the steps above, review the full step-by-step directions below.
Before students can review myCareer co-op job postings or submit a self-developed work term record for an upcoming work term, they must review and accept Management Career Services’ Terms & Conditions which outline key responsibilities and regulations for all students throughout their job search efforts. The option for students to accept Terms & Conditions will only appear once recruitment for the upcoming work term period has been opened by MCS. Students need to re-accept Terms & Conditions at the beginning of each work term job search period to be eligible for posting or work term record submission access.
Follow these instructions to review and accept your Terms & Conditions in myCareer:
- Log in to myCareer:
- Click on Management Career Services in the main menu (left-hand side of the screen if viewing from a laptop/desktop computer)
- From the Management Career Services dashboard, you will see a variety of Quick Links. Scroll down the page past those Quick Links to review your upcoming Work Term schedule. If recruitment for the upcoming work term period has been opened by MCS, you should see “Accept Terms and Conditions” under your next upcoming work term period.
- Once you select “Accept Terms and Conditions” a pop-up window with will appear. Read the content and select “Accept” at the bottom of the pop-up window.
- If all other eligibility requirements have been met and the MCS work term job postings have been already opened to students, then once you have accepted the Terms & Conditions you will be able to access the MCS work term job postings, and the option to Add a Work Term Record will now appear on your profile.
If you have already accepted your Terms & Conditions within the correct upcoming term, but still have no access, then either the postings have not yet been opened to students or the following eligibility requirements may also need to be met (contact MCS for more details as needed):
- Completion of outstanding co-op/internship preparation tasks
- Work term course registration in DalOnline
- Proof of a valid Co-op Work Permit provided to the MCS office (for international students only)
For more myCareer tips, consult our other Student User Guide tutorials.