The Sexton Library specializes in resources for Architecture, Engineering and Planning. Drop in for a 30 minute tour to familiarize yourself with the resources and services we have to offer. Tour times are at 10:30am or 2:30pm from Monday, September 14th to Friday, September 18th. Tours will meet in the Sexton Library Circulation Area, 3rd Floor, Bldg. B If none of the above mentioned times are suitable, feel free to contact us to arrange an appointment.
Sarah Jane Off to Austin TX Y’All
Please join us in congratulating Sarah Jane Dooley, Sexton Reference & Liaison Librarian and Promotions & Outreach Coordinator. Sarah Jane will be presenting her paper, “Collaboration with Faculty: What They Don’t Teach You in Library School” at the upcoming ASEE Annual Conference, to be held in Austin, TX, June 14 – 17, 2009. This paper is published in the American Society for Engineering Education, Annual Conference Proceedings.
Sexton Library Summer Hours
Sexton Library Summer Hours
Effective April 24th, 2009
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 9:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday 1:00pm – 6:00pm
Holiday hours will be posted
ARTstor LibCast Launched
Sexton Library has launched the ARTstor LibCast.
ARTstor is a digital library of art, architecture and archeology images. It also includes associated image information and software to edit and present images.