In the spring of 2017, the Dal Libraries began a collaboration with Ancillary Services to inventory and rearrange the Shirreff Hall Library collection. Two recent graduates of the NSCC Library Technician program, Guy LeLievre and Kendra Gauvin, performed the work. Guy and Kendra entered 1,560 titles in LibraryThing (an online service that allows anyone to create a catalogue of their books) arranged in the categories of fiction, non fiction, biography, and sets. The books in the library were also rearranged into these four categories. Staff at the Sexton Library did four boxes-worth of repairs to books. With contents of the existing collection known, purchase decisions about new acquisitions could then be made.
In the fall of 2017, four Faculty of Mangement SIM students, Rebekah Prette, Sarah Davis, Alicia Whidden, and Victoria Roberts, enrolled in Dr. Joylene Makani’s Information Resources Management Course created a collections policy for the Shirreff Hall Library. The policy outlines collection criteria, acquisitions, collection maintenance, and disaster planning, while remaining true to the mission and values of the Shirreff Hall Library. Rebekah, Sarah, Alicia and Victoria have volunteered to continue their collaboration with the Shirreff Hall Library in 2018, by identifying specific new purchases and updating the LibraryThing catalogue.
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