On Monday, March 17, the MacRae Library on Dalhousie’s Agricultural Campus celebrated the official launch of Seeding Ideas, a seed library.
We would like to thank all the students, staff, faculty, and community members who attended the launch—more than fifty people attended. We now have thirty-two borrowers registered and have circulated over 1,500 seeds to our community (that’s just over 100 packages of seed), including seeds in the categories of ornamental, edible, and herbs.
We continue to hear from people from all corners of Nova Scotia who want to get involved. There’s still time to register and chose your seeds. We can be reached at seed.library@dal.ca, on Facebook at Seeding Ideas: a seed library, and on Twitter, @seeding_ideas
Here are some pictures from Monday’s launch:
This was a great event and I enjoyed myself greatly !!! I’m just hoping with the lousy spring and late planting that I’ll be able to nurture the plants enough to provide seeds back. Thank you for creating this wonderful resource