Carlos Ulriksen G. (MSc, Class of 1979). Soon after returning to Chile with his MSc, Carlos was appointed Sub-Director and Director of SERNAGEOMIN (Geological Survey of Chile) in which position he promoted regional geological mapping, magnetic surveys, and the compilation of regional metallogenic maps: e.g. “Mapa metalogénico de Chile entre los 18° y 34° S”, Ulriksen, C.E. (Bull. 42, 1989). He later obtained diplomas on project management and mine evaluation and has become an international consultant; e.g. involved in the discovery of Los Colorados iron deposit, Chile, and sampling strategy in Sarcheshmeh, Iran. Always interested in education, he is currently a part-time lecturer of economic geology and mining economics at the Universidad Santo Tomás in Viña del Mar ( His current fascination is developing methodologies to use drones in mine property evaluation and geological mapping.
Archives for February 14, 2019
Where Are They Now – Victor Maksaev J. (PhD, Class of 1990)
Victor Maksaev J. (PhD, Class of 1990) has just retired after 19 years teaching economic geology at the Department of Geology, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, following influential 22 years in the Geological Survey of Chile. He is a legend since he mapped the high Andean plains of the Atacama Desert on a motorcycle, and his name is synonymous with the metallogeny of Chilean porphyry copper deposits. One of his most cited papers is “Fission track thermochronology of Neogene plutons in the Principal Andean Cordillera of central Chile (33-35°S): Implications for tectonic evolution and porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization”; Andean Geology 36 (2): 153-171. 2009.
Where Are They Now – Darryl D. Lindsay (PhD, Class of 1997)
Canadian Darryl D. Lindsay (PhD, Class of 1997, P.Geo.) contributed the most influential study of the structural geology of the giant porphyry copper deposit Chuquicamata: “Evolution of an Active Ductile to Brittle Shear System Controlling Mineralization at the Chuquicamata Porphyry Copper Deposit, Northern Chile”, International Geology Review 3i, 945-958, 1995. He lives in Chile with his young family and currently works for SQM .
Where Are They Now – José Cembrano P. (PhD Class of 1999)
José Cembrano P. (PhD, Class of 1999), is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago.;). He specializes on structural geology and tectonics of the Andes and their relationship with geothermal energy resources and mineral deposits. He is a member of the Center for Excellence in Geothermal Energy Research (CEGA – ). He has been President of the Geological Society of Chile, and his most recent publication is “Crustal faults in the Chilean Andes: geological constraints and seismic potential” Andean Geology 46 (1): 32-65, January, 2019.
Where Are They Now – Ricardo Boric (MSc, Class of 2002)
Ricardo Boric P. (MSc Dalhousie 2002) worked as a mine geologist in the giant Manto Type copper deposit El Soldado and is the author of one of the most cited papers on the deposit: “The Geology of the El Soldado Manto Type Cu (Ag) Deposit, Central Chile”; in Porter, T.M. (Ed.), Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold & Related Deposits: A Global Perspective, Volume 2; PGC Publishing, Adelaide, pp 185-205, 2002. Currently he is working for Anglo American on porphyry copper deposits of central Chile.