Carlos Ulriksen G. (MSc, Class of 1979). Soon after returning to Chile with his MSc, Carlos was appointed Sub-Director and Director of SERNAGEOMIN (Geological Survey of Chile) in which position he promoted regional geological mapping, magnetic surveys, and the compilation of regional metallogenic maps: e.g. “Mapa metalogénico de Chile entre los 18° y 34° S”, Ulriksen, C.E. (Bull. 42, 1989). He later obtained diplomas on project management and mine evaluation and has become an international consultant; e.g. involved in the discovery of Los Colorados iron deposit, Chile, and sampling strategy in Sarcheshmeh, Iran. Always interested in education, he is currently a part-time lecturer of economic geology and mining economics at the Universidad Santo Tomás in Viña del Mar ( His current fascination is developing methodologies to use drones in mine property evaluation and geological mapping.