Bedford South School has been approved to participate in the HRM Placemaking Project. The purpose of this project is to create a piece of art in the back look, off Southgate, to celebrate their unique community, and reflect their commitment to being active. We are looking for students who are interested in sustainability, transportation and community outreach to help plan two community events to educate residents on the importance of walking and biking to school. Please e-mail Kim Rose at for further information and if you are interested in being part of this great project! This would look great on your resume.
DalTRAC Mentioned for Pedestrian Safety
Commuter Challenge June 2-8
Have you registered for the Commuter Challenge? Sign up, as part of Dalhousie, today for a chance to win some cool prizes.
Daycare Travel Planning: A Study of Parents’ Travel Patterns
Hi Everyone,
My name is Caroline King. I am a Masters of Planning Studies student here at Dalhousie University. I am also facilitator for the Ecology Action Centre’s Tiny Travel Planning program, Transportation Officer for Dalhousie’s Office of Sustainability, Student Researcher at DalTRAC, and Director of Membership for the Halifax Cycling Coalition.
I am currently working on creating a daycare travel planning program to investigate travel patterns and determine transportation barriers for parents with children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years. I thought I would share the latest poster for the proposal of this research. If you have any comments or feedback on my project, I would love to hear it.
Research Design – Caroline A. King
More updates and information on the DalTRAC team to come!
The BEST Complete Street Policies in America
Smart Growth America just released “The Best Complete Streets Policies of 2012”.
Complete Street Policies are laws, resolutions, executive orders, policies and planning and design documents that encourage and provide safe access to destinations for everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, ethnicity or how they travel.
Hello Switch Fans,
Share the Road
4th Annual Road Safety Conference
Dr. Ahsan Habib will be presenting March 19, 2013, 12:30 @ the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel on highlights of recent DalTRAC research.