Dr. Eric Miller – Toronto’s Experience
DalTRAC Distinguished Lecture Series
Inaugural Speaker: Professor Eric Miller, University of Toronto
Date: Tuesday, June 25th, 3:30 -5:00 p.m.
Location: Alumni Lounge, Engineering B Building, Sexton Campus, 1360 Barrington Street, Halifax, NS (adjacent to the DalTRAC lab)
Please RSVP to carol.madden@dal.ca by June 21st.
Please join us for the inaugural lecture of Dalhousie University Transportation Collaboratory’s (DalTRAC) Distinguished Lecture Series. Dr. Eric Miller will share Toronto’s experience in university-government partnerships with respect to transportation data, analysis and modelling. The presentation will also include an overview of integrated urban modelling research that has been supported by this collaborative R&D environment.
DalTRAC Mentioned for Pedestrian Safety
Transit Oriented Development- UBC’s Recent Research
Daycare Travel Planning: A Study of Parents’ Travel Patterns
Hi Everyone,
My name is Caroline King. I am a Masters of Planning Studies student here at Dalhousie University. I am also facilitator for the Ecology Action Centre’s Tiny Travel Planning program, Transportation Officer for Dalhousie’s Office of Sustainability, Student Researcher at DalTRAC, and Director of Membership for the Halifax Cycling Coalition.
I am currently working on creating a daycare travel planning program to investigate travel patterns and determine transportation barriers for parents with children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years. I thought I would share the latest poster for the proposal of this research. If you have any comments or feedback on my project, I would love to hear it.
Research Design – Caroline A. King
More updates and information on the DalTRAC team to come!
DalTRAC Household Mobility and Travel Survey
DalTRAC is conducting an exciting study of households’ residential location, auto ownership, and travel behaviour choices. If you complete the survey by April 5th 2013, you will be entered into a draw for a $50 Gift Card.
The survey should only take 20-25 minutes to complete. If you feel that a question is not applicable to you, please enter “N/A”. Only those who complete the survey and provide a full mailing address will be entered into the draw.
To participate in the survey, please follow the link below:
If you responded to the first phase of this survey in the Fall of 2012, we thank you for your participation and please disregard this notice.
Please contact Chris Demaine (chris.demaine@dal.ca), Mahmud Fatmi (mh982048@dal.ca) or Dr. Ahsan Habib, Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University (ahsan.habib@dal.ca) with any questions or concerns regarding this study.
DalTRAC to engage the Municipality of the District of Chester on ‘Share the Road’
Two students working for DalTRAC, Mateja and Kelsey, will be going to the Municipality of the District of Chester on April 4th to hold a community engagement session about ‘Share the Road’. The workshop will be divided into two parts. The first part will focus on how road safety can be improved in the local community. The second part will focus on generating ideas for a ‘Share the Road’ awareness campaign for the local community. Participants will be asked to discuss their opinions regarding which media and/or slogans will be effective in spreading the campaign message to the community. DalTRAC is excited about this opportunity to engage the community and gain valuable insights to help in the development of an effective ‘Share the Road’ campaign for the Province of Nova Scotia. Share the Road news release_FINAL[1]
Halifax Cycling Coalition Launches Cycle Fix
Have a cycling issue that you’d like to report? Dangerous pot hole, confusing intersection, lack of proper signage, impossible bridge approaches? Tell the Halifax Cycling Coalition, and every other HRM cyclist, about it!!