Congratulations to all students who have either started or are about to start their work term experience with their co-op employer. This is an exciting time to increase your exposure to the professional world. Here is a list of four things that you should do during the early stages of your work term.
1.Understand and research the organization
While on your work term you should have a clear understanding of what the organization that you are employed with does. You should research the organization before you start or even while you are working with them. Do not hesitate to ask questions to your employer about the finer details of the organization. It helps show your interest towards the organization as well as create a good impression with your employer.
2.Know the office dress code policy
A professional appearance including appropriate dress and grooming practices, can help you gain acceptance and respect from your co-workers. Below is an example of what a formal appearance, a casual Friday appearance and casual appearance should look like:
Business Professional Casual Friday Business Casual
3. Get organized and prioritize what’s important
There is nothing worse than being disorganized in the working environment. Bring a notebook and create a binder of all the necessary projects that you will be assigned. Prioritize your workload and be organized so you can work more effectively. This will help you prepare for future work experiences as well.
4. Stay connected with Management Career Services (MCS)
During your work term and once you have settled in, MCS will be interested in how you are making out. Contact you Career and Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and let them know how it is going so far. We are here to help, so do not ever hesitate to call your CRS with any questions or you can look forward to briefing them during your midterm review. Remember to continue checking your Dal inbox, reading the MCS e-bulletin, and register to attend our upcoming events on myCareer that take place outside of work hours. Investing in your ongoing professional development will always be a wise step to take in enhancing your career development.
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